As has already been announced elsewhere, I'm proud and happy to report that my novel Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse will be published by the Touchstone imprint of Simon & Schuster as part of a two-book deal. I'm happy as hell and glad to be working with editor Zach Schisgal. What's the book like? Well, you'll be hearing more about it in the next few blog posts ... probably get sick of hearing about it as a matter of fact. But I'm just THAT excited. Now that the news is out, I'm eager to answer questions and blab my head off about the novel. For now, I'll describe the book this way: Think Kurt Vonnegut on crystal meth. Philip K. Dick back from the dead, full of whiskey, and bent on writing a Bruckheimer screenplay. Others will probably describe the work differently, but I hope readers have fun.
More to come.
I'd have to say it's more like a Maxwell House ad written by an optimistic pessimist.
Have they given you a pub date yet?
That's just great, Victor. Congratulations -- can't wait to read it!
Great news, and again, great title.
Really looking forward to reading this one. I love the title.
Thanks, everyone.
Mr. Bagley, pub date is set for summer 2008.
Man ... that seems like a long damn time.
Excellent news. Congrats, Victor. I'm really looking forward to this one. Go-go girls...apocalypse...these are a few of my favorite things.
We need this book. We really really need this book.
Huge congrats, buddy. This is excellent news.
Awesome! Two readers in Fort Wayne, Indiana will be looking forward to it!
Whoops, so buried in other stuff I missed this FANTABULOUS NEWS!!
Congratulations Victor! I can hardly wait to read it. Wheeee!
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