It's May and Cruel Poetry is in the air. My favorite Vicki Hendrick's novel used to be Voluntary Madness, but I think her new one must now edge into the top spot. Vicki has a great talent for not trying too hard to write a crime novel. Rather, she focuses on the lives of the characters, and since they're often bad people making bad decisions crime and murder and obsession generally follow. Vicki's prose is beautiful without being prissy or purple. I envy this lady's talent and urge you to all to pick up a copy of Cruel Poetry.
I have to get this one. Voluntary Madness was one of the best novels I've read in a long time. Not just one of the best CRIME novels, but one of the best novels. Period.
"It's May and Cruel Poetry is in the air."
So May is National Cruel Poetry Month, then?
Yeah, this is a good one. Maybe her best, but it's hard to choose.
Well, we've all heard April is the cruelest month.
Not anymore!
I checked out the first couple chapters on Amazon, and it looks like a hell of a read. My only problem with it is the cover. It has the word "poetry" on it. If people see me reading something that looks like a book of poetry, it could ruin my reputation as a mouth-breathing, slack-jawed troglodyte. I guess I could always hide it inside a pro-wrestling magazine, or a Penthouse mag, or something.
Just tell people it's about a hooker with lots of hot sex. That should preserve your rep.
John, if a big dumb redneck-looking fuck like me can get away with reading & writing poetry, you can sure as hell carry Vicki Hendricks' novel around. Besides, it's got "cruel" in the title and there's a naked chick on the cover.
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