Friday, September 5, 2008

I am not legend

I feel like a quitter.

After four humid nights without power, sitting with a candle and a battery-powered AM radio making coffee every morning on my Chargriller, I finally cashed it in and headed to my in-law's house in Memphis. Hot showers and Internet. Hooray.

Folks, Baton Rouge is a mess. Trees and power lines down everywhere. Peopel are actually going to New Orleans to get away from the mess in Baton Rouge. The radio announcer said people were waiting 3-4 hours for gasoline.

I'm going to rest here a few days then head back. I hope to God the power is back on by the time I return. They say it might be up to four weeks for some people to get back the juice.


Iren said...

Glad to hear that you are ok... and thanks for the chuckle your post title gave me.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're doing well, I was worried for awhile there. And don't beat yourself up for not being legend, few are. Will Smith, Charlton Heston, Vincent Price--that's pretty much it. The rest of us need our hot showers and internet. And the occasional beer.

mybillcrider said...

Glad you're okay. Time to buy that big generator and hook it into the house's electrical system.

Christa Faust said...

I've been worried and wondering about you guys, since you're the last of the Louisianans on my list to check in. Glad to hear you made it through. Enjoy your hot showers and cold beer and keep us posted.

Craig Zablo said...

Glad to hear you made it through okay!

Mike Cane said...

So, next time on Twitter that mikecane and docnoir tell you to run your ass out of town because The Storm From Hell is coming ... you''l just sit back and wait it out again, won't you?

Hey, it's my turn this week, starting tomorrow. TWO storms coming to get me!!

Hope Baton Rouge gets back on the grid soon. And good luck, Victor!

Karen Olson said...

Glad you're okay, and you're not a quitter at all. I would've gone that first day...

Hope Baton Rouge gets back on its feet soon.

Mike Cane said...

Hey, Victor. Don't hurry back for good just yet. Ike is coming that way too. Good luck!