Hey, folks. About time I brought you guys up to date with what is happening with the film version of my novel
Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse. I want to thank the previous producer who did his level best to bring the project together, but nobody bats a thousand, right? New producer/director Jason Hewitt of
Films in Motion has picked up the option and hit the ground running. The distributor is super excited about this project, and so are the rest of us. If the website seems like it hasn't been updated in a while, that's because Jason is uber-busy supervising the editing
Blood Out (a film he directed) and supervising another picture called
The Courier. This guy earned his bones making very modestly budgeted action films and is now doing projects all over the place. He's one of the major players in the burgeoning Louisiana film scene.
What is in store specifically for Go-Go Girls? A high budget slick motion picture? A down and dirty grind house sort of thing? Well, a lot of that depends on me since I'm writing the screenplay. (*gulp*). A good script attracts talent and can move the budget up or down. Uh, no pressure on me, right?
So in between Marvel deadlines, I'm attacking my own novel, deciding what can stay and what can go. Jason and company don't drag their feet. They like to get off the dime and make movies, so I don't have the luxury of lingering over multiple drafts of the screenplay for eighteen months. IT'S GO TIME, BABY!
More as doings unfold ...