The current arc of
X-Men kicked off this week with #16. The very cool guest stars are Sue and Reed Richards and the Thing and other members of The FF. But the bonus guest star is SKULL THE SLAYER a cool, pulpy character from the 1970s. I wish Marvel would let me write the further adventures of Skully. It would be a blast. Or if somebody else wrote it, I'd be happy to read it. I read a fistful of SKULL THE SLAYER comics to get a grip on the Scorpius Dimension for the current
X-MEN run, and they were just cool and crazy and pulpy. Any other closet Skully fans out there?
He sounds like an interesting character. I never ran into him back in the day but it sounds like he has a unique attitude which I picture as equating to a darker personality.
You probably can't give too many details about it, but how is the dynamic of your title going to change post-Schism? I promise this will be the only question of this interview.
Do you think you'll ever get to include characters like Selene or Candra in your Xmen run? On a side note it's cool that you got Storm:)!!
Hey, Guys,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, Storm as team leader rules.
All I can say about the dynamic is that we will need to shake up the roster a bit. Stay tuned as doings transpire.
no more Gambit :(
Sorry, Kakey, but we'll still have fun.
I thought you'd brought back SKULL just for me, since you've forced me into buying the X-Men again!
When I saw Jim Skully on that final splash page it was the first "giddy fanboy" moment I've had in over a decade.
I was feeling so special...
Anyway, I'm no "closet" fan--I'm a big time, honkin' PROUD SKULL fan! Here's proof:
So ya better be treatin' Ol' Skully right!
Glad you liked it Groovy. I'll check out the link.
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