Monday, March 31, 2008

Attention, Pop Culture Scholars

My wife Jackie (known as "the smart one") is guest-editing a pop-culture issue of a swanky academic journal. So all you pop-culture types should click here:

Go. Be smart.

(And feel free to spread this link around as much as you like.)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Everyone loves a good list (so let's make one now)

What is a really, really, really bad book or movie that you would recommend anyway because it's interesting or amusing in some way? Remember to show your work.

And .... GO!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cashing in

So ... you've all heard about Governor Spitzer by now. (If not, you've been in a dark cave on Venus with wads of cotton in your ears.) Now the media is digging into the background of "Kristen" the governor's favorite call girl. (I wish her name was Vette ... that would really help with Punisher sales.)

Anyway ...

It turns out that "Kristen" under her real name (Ashley or something) is also an aspiring singer. She's recently made over a million dollars from people downloading her songs from the Internet.

Uh .....

I would like to announce that I too have had a long affair with Governor Spitzer. Yeah. That's right. We did it all the time. Like rabbits.

I'd like to now direct everyone to Bring your Visa card.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse has been selected as the next pick for Oprah's book club.

But if you followed the link provided in my last post, then you already know I'll be making my Marvel Comics debut in June with the PUNISHER MAX SPECIAL: "Little Black Book." I'm excited as hell, and working with Marvel editor Axel Alonso was simply aces. I'm hoping to do more comic book work in the future and am currently "in talks" to see what might be next.

So stay tuned, and we'll see what happens, folks.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Writer's Trick

THIS is so wrong that it's funny.

Thanks to Professor Fury for the heads-up.