My pals at Meridiano Zero tell me that the Italian edition of The Deputy -- Night of Blood at Coyote Crossing in Italy -- will hit stores March 23. That's only 2 days away! I need to say that I don't just see Meridiano Zero as my great Italian publisher, I also think of them as friends. They work harder than anyone I know to get my name into magazines and newspapers and really spread the word. The reslut is that I feel very welcome and very much at home when I visit Italy and sign books for Italian readers. On top of that, they really believe in my work. The writing itself seems important to them, and in a business often slightly over-concerned with "marketing platforms" that's a pretty cool thing. I consider myself lucky to be hooked up with such a great crew.
UPDATE: I forgot earlier to thank the excellent translator Luca Conti. Tops in the field. Thanks, Luca.
Very wicked cover, Victor! *thumbs up*
NIGHT OF BLOOD AT COYOTE CROSSING might be the best title of all time.
Hey, Victor, thanks for your kind words! Now working on Neil's "Yellow Medicine"... It's all in the family :-)
Neil's book is a treat! I know you'll do a great job!
Got my XM #9 today.
VERY happy to see 'you know who' (I don't want to spoil it for those who don't know) and it made me think of his connection to Black Womb and Gambit :)
Anyway, loved Spidey in this issue and the refined dialogue you wrote for 'you know who' :)
take care
Victor, i bought a copy of CURSE OF THE MUTANTS from Amazon DEUTSCHLAND, will read it tonight, can't wait...ah ha
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