But first let me express sincere gratitude to those of you who actually paid money for this thing. When the novel first came out, you reached into your own pocket and paid the going rate for a paperback or hardcover or eBook. You rock. I luvs you and that's for reals. But THE DEPUTY is not a shiny new book anymore, and the recent FREE sales promotion is a chance to breathe new live into the novel and get it out to more readers.
I've talked to my publisher Tyrus/F+W Crime who explained that giving the novel away for free really is a good strategy in the long run. It helps build interest and momentum. So by getting a copy for free, you are helping me. Give it as a gift. Use the Kindle app on your Droid or iPhone. Spread the word. Hey, it's free. No risk to give it a try or to harass ten friends to give it a try.
Get it anyplace they provide eBooks on any format, but mostly on the Nook or on the Kindle.
And if you have a free or cheap eBook you want to promote, then leave a link in the comments and tell us about it. I don't mind sharing my stump.
I have a hard copy. So I downloaded it and will give the book to a new reader who doesn't have a Kindle.
My cheap e-book is Lost Children: A Charity Anthology, which I co-edited with Fiona Johnson and Ron Earl Phillips. It has 30 stories from crime fiction vets like Paul D. Brazill and rookies like myself and Benoit Lelievre, Fiona and Ron. It is $2.99 and all the royalties go to two charities: PROTECT, the children's advocacy organization co-founded by Andrew Vachss, and Children 1st, a children's charity in Scotland. So it's a win-win. You get 30 powerful stories and you help kids on two continents.
Amazon UK
Apple iPad
Wow! Thanks for the opportunity. Yes, my Derek Stillwater thrillers are available in various e-book formats, as well as other thrillers for adults and for kids.
The Devil's Pitchfork $2.99
The Serpent's Kiss $2.99
The Fallen $1.99
The Valley of Shadows $2.99
(Those have all been traditionally published as well)
Edge $2.99
Hot Money $2.99
For Kids (Middle Grade to YA)
The Battle For Atlantis $0.99
Monster Seeker $0.99
The Fortress of Diamonds $2.99
Deadly By The Dozen $2.99
Freelance Writing For A Living $5.95
If you want more info, you can always visit my website at www.markterrybooks.com
Thanks Victor!
Here's my review of the print edition of THE DEPUTY. I'm sure the ebook is just as good. :)
I have two 99-cent short story collections: STONES, about 1930s flyboy-for-hire C.J. Stone, and FIRST IN, LAST OUT, about present-day ex-Marine Tom Gregory.
Details on both books and more here.
Coolness, guys. Tell your author pals. Let's turn the comments section into a kindle market square for a day.
I just downloaded a version, and went ahead and bought a copy of SHOTGUN OPERA while I was at it.
I sent out a link to everyone at work telling them about it, Victor. I also told them I read GUN MONKEYS and loved it, so there you go. Your stories rock.
My latest novel, MAJORING IN MURDER, isn't free but I do have a coupon that takes 40% off the regular price at Smashwords.
Also, I plan to do another promotion closer to Christmas. Details for the discount coupon is available on my blog.
Available at:
Got it! Looking forward to it.
And thanks for the opportunity...my new e-book thriller GALLOWS POLE is out for Kindle, Nook, and other e-readers.
The Chaos We Know
it's a good time
Just ordered THE DEPUTY and since it was free, ordered GUN MONKEYS at the Random House price to give as gift. See, it's working!
Trying to break from TV, my first kindle/nook stories are up. Right now it's $2.99 for all four, but starting tomorrow you can get all four stories for .99.
Thanks, Paul!
And don't hesitate to provide links.
I paid for it a while back. And loved it.
I do hope that the copy-editing/formatting issues were cleared up, however. I actually had lunch with Ben a while back and offered to do it.
Jim Thomsen
My name above is the link. Thanks!
Paul Guyot
I have the old fashioned paper copy of Deputy - Damn fine book! I'll send a link to my pulp lovin brethren.
My cheap assed books are
Beautiful, Naked & Dead
"Cynicism like a razor cut to the bone. Idealism that shines like an arc welder's torch in a trash can. Violence, sudden and rabid and eyes rolled back and take it to the wall NOW you bastards." _ AJ HAYES
Out There Bad
"A million razor sharp shards of explosive energy"- McDroll
Ok, figured out how to leave a link to the books.
I made sure my brother snagged a copy and posted a link on My Writing Blog. I bought a hard copy as soon as it was released. I LOVED it. I still love it. It's a sickness.
My book isn't out yet. Still. But it has a kick ass cover! haha
I guess I should note that I do have a children's novel out, The Whispering Ferns It's not really built for this audience, but it's only $3 and is an old-school kid's ghost adventure. (It's on B&N and Smashwords too)
awesome! I'm reading go-go girls of the apocalypse now and have read all the other books. Thank you, I FB'd and stumble upon'd it to try and spread the word.
Caught your referral from Azzarello. Just downloaded your book and added it to the reading list. Cheers!
Victor is the man! If you like crime then check out this book "THE DEAN'S LIST" for $2.99. It's being called "The Godfather meets The Social Network." Lots of violence and cool mafia-esque hits. Thanks.
Loved this book!
I hadn't read anything by you before I picked this up at Amazon and I blew through it in two days.
Turned it on to a couple of friends, too.
I'll definitely be picking up more of your work. Thanks for making this available!
Thanks, Steve. Awesome!
And my Spider-man holiday comic. For fre...
THX Victor
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