I then power-watched the whole thing in like a week. Frazzled my brain.
Now ... a couple years later ... I'm watching it again. And enjoying it again. There are certain shows that I find very re-watchable, and I'm finding Battlestar Galactica to be one of those shows. (Although I've been warned that the last few episodes of the final season are not worth re-watching. We'll see.) I also have Band of Brothers on DVD and re-watch that from time to time as well as The Venture Brothers. I'm also partial to the Family Guy Star Wars parodies. I think I might also grab Archer on DVD.
A good run of a re-watchable show is an important commodity. Something to put on in the background while working or to provide entertainment when I'm just flat out too lazy to delve into something new.
So let's hear it. What shows do you find re-watchable?
I was going to say ARCHER! So I guess I'll have to say LOUIE and BORED TO DEATH. Both are laugh out loud funny.
Star Cops, Blake's 7, Good Neighbors (aka the The Good Life), The Prisoner, Rubicon, EZ Streets, Shelley, The Return of Shelley. Probably a few more. All for different reasons.
I'm catching up on Justified, which I think is a truly awesome show. I need to catch up on Dexter, too. But, I love to rewatch episodes of Seinfeld. For me, there's something about the chemistry of that cast that I love to experience. Some people think that makes me lame. Whatever.
MASH and Breaking Bad
SPACED, a show from the UK that starred Simon Pegg. Very high re-watchability factor.
Firefly- which was done by fellow comic book genius Josh Wheddon-
Sopranos- Especially if you happen to be North Jersey to the bone and have Uncle's who names end in vowels, wear pinky rings and work in Meat Packing
The Wire- Dig in deep and prepare to love Omar, perhaps the best assassin in TV history
Friday Night Lights- if you are a football fan at all---sure it is a Man Soap Opera, or would you call that a be A Bodywash Opera or Deoderant Opera? But whatever you call it I want Coach Taylor to be my real Daddy. Oh and unlike the others listed above you have to go 2 or 3 episodes deep into this to really get hooked. Take my word for it, don't stop after just 1.
BSG was great, and I would re-watch that entire series again in a heartbeat!
Other shows I would gladly re-watch include THE SOPRANOS, THE X-FILES, 24, SANFORD & SON, HEROES, M*A*S*H, SHAZAM, WELCOME BACK KOTTER, and BARNEY MILLER.
oh I forgot---if you are about mid 40's "Freaks & Geeks" is an absolute must watch.....great cast including James DeFranco, Seth Rogen and Jason Siegel.....funny, poignant, spot on for many of us....
Oh and Wolvie's claws- great for frog gigging, make great swizzle sticks, would make restocking the toilet paper a breeze, great as a dipstick, wine corkscrew during those romantic moments in his life, and stabbing the last pickle in the jar, balloon popping, vegetable slicing, tipping a can off a high store shelf, and carving the X-mas goose of course......really so many everyday uses it boggles the mind....
so I just realized you are from Louisiana so I should not have been worried about you not knowing what frog gigging is.
The scene- an alien swamp- close up on strange looking amphibian(s)- next panel "SNIKT" gigged critter- next panel Wolvie using a claw as a spit to roast said creature- next panel claw as a toothpick- thought bubble "Just Where the hell am I now?"----
Oh and you've probably already done this a 1,000 times but can you explain the Disney love from a guy who writes about poet's going on gun rampages and vampire torture scenes?
I love Disney as an investor but my week there spun wildly between moments of fun on the rides and misery on the lines, buses, cafeterias, and more buses.....The crowd control on the lines after the firework show broke down badly and nearly became a bloodbath so epic that even your most vivid scenes of chaos pale-
Firefly. Best. TV series. Ever. And the bastards of Fox interrupted it...
What else. Patrick McGoohan's The Prisoner, most definitely.
Also Cowboy Bebop. It's an anime, so I don't know if it counts but it's the best I've ever seen and the only one I consider worth re-watching.
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