Tuesday, December 29, 2015
The Gischler year in review ... and looking ahead to 2016
It was a busy year.
I published 3 novels this year, and it would have been 4 but the pub date was pushed back to January.
Thomas Dunne published my thriller STAY which has also been optioned for TV by CBS. Exciting yes, but one never knows what will happen with such things, so don't wait for the TV series. Buy the book!
47North published THE TATTOOED DUCHESS which is the second book in my fantasy trilogy A Fire Beneath the Skin. As an adolescent when I was first thinking how cool it would be to be a writer, fantasy was what I wanted to write. I'm grateful for the chance to bring that dream to reality, and I'm grateful to readers who seem to enjoy the books ... so far. The 3rd book hits in a few short weeks. Here is the nifty cover:
The most "Victor Gischler-ish" novel published this year was GESTAPO MARS. The brave people at Titan put this one out and came up with a swanky cover:
I never really expect to be included on "best of the year" lists, but it was nice to be included HERE and HERE.
And for my comic book work, it was nice to be mentioned HERE.
I've also finished my run as writer for season 10 of Dark Horse's Angel & Faith comic. At the time of writing this blog post, there are still a few issues to be released, but the scripting is all done. It was a hell of a ride, and I feel honored to have contributed a small part to Whedon's Buffyverse.
There's a lot more, but the above represent the 2015 highlights.
So .... 2016.
It's going to be another busy year. Another thriller for Thomas Dunne and the Gestapo Mars sequel for Titan. Also a few issues of THIS.
And yes, I have a fairly boring new year's resolution. Somehow I got tricked into running a 5k in April. (Long story.) A 5k is not a big deal, but I'm using it as an excuse to "train" meaning I'm trying to trim a few pounds off my fat ass. A fairly standard and not very interesting new year's resolution.
Which is why I'd rather talk about New Year's WISHES instead of New Year's resolutions. My wishes:
1. I'd like to be involved with a film project. Yes, I've had novels optioned, but I want to be hands on and involved. I've recently written a screenplay draft of my comic Sally of the Wasteland and I'm working with a fellow who does visual effects and we think since the book always had a grindhouse, B-movie vibe anyway, we could do it cheaply and still have a fun good-looking project. Anyone out there have an extra million bucks? We'll settle for 500,000.
2. I'd like to write more fantasy. I'd like to return to the world of A Fire Beneath the Skin, but I have other ideas set in other worlds too. Now we just need to sell a million copies to show the publisher this is a good idea. Uh ... you have yours, right? CLICK.
3. Creator-owned comics. I'm at various stages with a couple artists on some different projects. I'd love to find a good publishing home for each.
Okay ... so what about you guys? Any new year's wishes?
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Gischler teams with Dark Horse to make 2 "best of 2015" lists!
So, I generally don't hold my breath waiting to be included on "best of" lists each year. I mean, I'm proud of my work, but there's a lot of competition out there, and ... well ... I just don't expect it.
But 2 of my books made it onto 2 different lists over at WickedHorror.com. Angel & Faith made it onto Nat's best horror comics of 2015 list. Check out the entire list HERE. And Hellbound made it on Fox's best horror comics of 2015 list right HERE.
Thanks Nat and Fox!
Obviously I can't grab all the credit. Incredible artists, colorists, letterers, editors, etc. went into making these comics awesome.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Epic Fantasy ... no waiting.
Okay ... actually a little waiting. The final installment in the trilogy A Fire Beneath the Skin hits January 19. The final chapter of the story which began with Ink Mage is called A Painted Goddess.
BUT ... this time the novel will be offered in its entirety instead of in serialized form. Conventional thinking seems to be that the serialization thing was a fun experiment, but the fact is that when a reader is really enjoying the story then he/she doesn't want to wait a week for the next episode.
My publisher sold a BUNCH of copies of Ink Mage on Kindle (although paperback and audio book versions are available if that's more your speed), and many readers are still finding their way to book two: The Tattooed Duchess. We hope you'll join us for the conclusion in A Painted Goddess. It's a trilogy, so you should consider all three books to be one big story.
What? You haven't started yet? Then jump in with Book One: Ink Mage!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
HELLBOUND: for those who like their horror splattery
In all the hoopla of my new novel Gestapo Mars being released the last couple of days, I sort of neglected to mention that my horror graphic novel HELLBOUND hit yesterday in a handsomely produced hardcover.
The fact that I thought it wasn't coming out until October maybe was maybe also part of the reason I neglected to mention it.
I say "my" graphic novel, but of course these things are always a team effort. The story by Davide "Boosta" Dileo was brought to me by Diego Malara at Italian Job Studio. He thought I might be a good fit as writer for the story. Artists Riccardo Burchielli and Francesco Marttina share art duties with Luca Saponti on colors. The comic was originally published in Italian by Panini is 4 parts. Now Dark Horse has collected the entire thing into a gorgeous hardcover.
This is tough, graphic, rated R horror.
You should always give your business to your local comic shop, but since this is the internet, we need links, right? You can pick up a copy HERE.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Pub day for GESTAPO MARS
This isn't going to be much of a sales pitch. I mean, yes, I want readers to buy the book, but not just any readers. The RIGHT readers. I'll explain.
Whenever I see a book review that starts, "I'm no prude, but ..." I immediately think PRUDE! And here's the thing. You are allowed to be a prude. This is a free society and you get to read what you want, and if you like your fiction safe and polite then great. But that means Gestapo Mars is NOT for you.
Gestapo Mars is filled with sex, violence, dirty words, sex, irreverent jokes, over the top action, sex and snot aliens. So if you're as warped in the head as I am, I invite you to head to your local book shop and get yourself a copy. And since this is the internet, here's a link for Kindle and one for Nook.
Some reviews:
"These are the very adult adventures of an irreverent action anti-hero whose derring-do will keep you in stitches." - Count Gore
"Gestapo Mars knows what you’ve come for, striking its targets with a laser beam right through the bullseye. Gratuitous sex? Check. Muscle-bound, gun-toting ultra-violence? Check. Nazis using their mega-ship to fire a broadside at a fleet of invading snot-aliens? Check. Outlandish fun from start to finish."—Nudge BookGeek
Amazing Stories weighs in HERE.
And Publishers weekly HERE.
Friday, September 11, 2015
A FIRE BENEATH THE SKIN - anatomy of a fantasy trilogy
What started with Ink Mage is now headed for it's exciting conclusion. The Amazon page for the final book in the trilogy is now live. There's no cover yet, but the title is A PAINTED GODDESS. It will be available for your eyeballs in December. With the trilogy completely written and the conclusion imminent, I thought I might take a step back and muse upon how I arrived here. That sounds riveting, right? SHUT UP!
Ahem. Anyway.
So ... I was on a three-way phone call with my agent and an editor from 47North, Amazon Publishing's science fiction and fantasy imprint. We were talking about a novel I was writing. I guess specifically we were talking about how to get 47North to publish it. And give me money. So I could eat. Anyway, it wasn't going well. There were concerns about the novel, it wasn't mainstream. In fact, it was kind of rude. We wanted to be in business together, but maybe this wasn't the right book. The phone call was rapidly on its way to a big fat NO SALE, CHUMP.
And that's when I reached into my back pocket. Metaphorically speaking. Everyone knows I don't wear pants. I reached into my metaphoric back pocket and pulled out an idea I'd been stewing on for a few years. It was a fantasy story about a young woman named Rina who gains extraordinary powers from magical tattoos. As I explained the idea, the tone of the phone conversation changed dramatically. The excitement was palpable. The editor asked me to type up a quick proposal. I did. And a few days later my agent and I had sold Ink Mage to 47North.
And thus a fantasy trilogy was born. Right?
My intent was always that Ink Mage would be the first book in a trilogy, but 47North was not quite ready to make that kind of commitment. One book was a risk they were willing to take, but three? So I had to write Ink Mage in a way I hadn't really anticipated.
Hey, remember those Lord of the Rings films? (Of course you do.) I remember sitting in the theater watching Fellowship of the Ring. It was awesome. It ended and the lights came up, and a lady two rows behind me turned to her family and said, "That's it? That's the way it ends?" My kneejerk reaction was to think What are you, an idiot? After all, this was the most famous fantasy trilogy of all time. Lady, don't you know how trilogies work? It's continues in the next film. Duh. Looking back, I think I was maybe a bit tough on the lady. Yes, if you're an avid reader and a fantasy nerd (like me) you fully understand the story continues in the next installment. That Frodo and Sam would run off in one direction and that Merry and Pippin are captured and the rest decide to "hunt some orc" is a perfectly fine ending ... if you know it's going to be continued. But if you've shown up for a summer matinee thinking you're just going to munch some popcorn and see some cool special effect, then, yeah, I can see how you might come away confused.
Which brings me back to Ink Mage. With no guarantee I'd get a crack at two more books, I had to write a book that concluded as if it were nothing more than a single novel, but I also had to plant the necessary seeds should I be allowed to write the next two books. I guess I pulled it off okay because the book sold really well and the publisher said they were ready to talk about a sequel.
But one sequel wouldn't do it. I needed two more books to make a trilogy. (You can check my math on this. I'll wait.) So would I write the second book as if it might be the last? Should I squeeze two book's worth of story into one? I told my agent we really needed to go for two books. I needed to know how I was going to do this. I couldn't write book two with only a maybe there would be a book 3. My agent said he'd try his best.
Well, it worked out. We got a two book deal to finish the trilogy. This meant I could have the cliffhanger ending I wanted in book 2 The Tattooed Duchess.
It's too soon to know anything significant about sales, but most readers seem pleased so far. Cautious optimism. Some readers seem put off by the fact the story isn't "finished" and concludes in the next book. Again, I find myself thinking of the lady in the movie theater so incredulous when Fellowship ended and all the principle characters were scattered all over Middle Earth. I asked my support crew at 47North to make sure we described A Fire Beneath the Skin as a trilogy and that it's clear all three novels are one big story and not different stories which just happen to have the same characters. Ultimately, I'm not too worried. Ricky L. Brown pretty much nails it in his Amazing Stories review: "For those who are intimidated by the dangling storyline, you need to look at it this way. The Tattooed Duchess is the setup to the final book in the series much like The Empire Strikes Back was to the Return of the Jedi. Fandom loved Star Wars and wanted more. But it had to be bigger and better because we are a selfish lot. We loved Ink Mage and now we want more." So yeah, just as you know our heroes will eventually rescue Han Solo from Jabba's clutches, so to do we know that Rina's fate will be revealed in in the next installment.
Which brings us full circle to A Painted Goddess, the thing that kicked off this blog post in the first place. If you find yourself in suspense at the end of book 2, fear not. Book 3 is only a few months away. I already have plans and ideas for returning to the world of Helva, the setting for the Ink Mage novels. Will the publisher be interested? Who knows? I hope so. I feel like I've just scratched the surface of this world I've built, and I'm eager to explore every nook and cranny.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Coming September 22 ...
Click HERE. It's okay. We won't tell anybody.
"These are the very adult adventures of an irreverent action anti-hero whose derring-do will keep you in stitches." - Count Gore
"Gestapo Mars knows what you’ve come for, striking its targets with a laser beam right through the bullseye. Gratuitous sex? Check. Muscle-bound, gun-toting ultra-violence? Check. Nazis using their mega-ship to fire a broadside at a fleet of invading snot-aliens? Check. Outlandish fun from start to finish."--Nudge BookGeek
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
THE TATTOOED DUCHESS ... the serial is complete.
Just a heads up fro those who don't like to wait. The serialization of THE TATTOOED DUCHESS (book 2 in the trilogy A Fire Beneath the Skin) is complete which means that now you can buy it as a COMPLETE novel for your Kindle. Just click HERE.
Book 2 of the trilogy picks up where Book 1 (Ink Mage) left off and sets us up for the climax of our story in Book 3 ... A Painted Goddess.
If you enjoyed the next chapter in A Fiore Beneath the Skin, I hope you'll consider going to The Tattooed Duchess page on Amazon and leaving a review. This is really important for the life of the book.
Oh, and if you're not on the Ink Mage bandwagon yet, get the first book here while it's still on sale. Limited time only.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
KINDLE bargain -- Fantasy Genre edition
Okay, if you have a Kindle or a tablet with a Kindle app, then here's your bargain for August ...
Right now, the first two books of the trilogy A Fire Beneath the Skin are available for super el cheapo!
Book 1 Ink Mage is on sale for 2 tiny dollars for the month of August. CHEAP!
Book 2 is called The Tattooed Duchess and it's currently being serialized. When the serialization concludes, the price goes up, so grab it now for a measly 1.99!
That means you can get BOTH novels for less than the price of the last paperback you grabbed while running through the airport. All proceeds go to a good cause. (Beer and getting me back to Epcot.)
So get clicking while the cheapness lasts!
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The Star System
If you're reading THE TATTOOED DUCHESS (Book 2 in A Fire Beneath the Skin) then you have my sincere gratitude. You purchased the book. You're spending your time reading it. That's pretty awesome. So why am I asking you for a favor now? The fact is you don't owe me a thing. There are a lot of books out there, and the fact you've chosen to read mine is amazing.
But if you enjoyed the book and want to spread the enthusiasm, please consider leaving a review at Amazon.com. Like Ink Mage, The Tattooed Duchess is being published in serial form from Amazon's 47North imprint. This is fantastic as it let's lots of readers get the book on Kindle for a very affordable price. But ...
Unlike with other books, we won't see The Tattooed Duchess in Publishers Weekly or Booklist or other such places where people might usually find out about new novels. Spreading the word depends on readers like you. If you thought the book was awesome, then leave a review. If reviewing is not your thing, that's cool too. Like I said, I'm just grateful you're reading. Today marks the halfway point in the novel's serialization. A "the story so far ..." review is perfectly acceptable, or maybe you'd prefer to wait until the story is complete.
Whatever happens, whatever you do, thanks for reading. Without you, I'm just some guy typing words in my little room.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Of sequels and serials: THE TATTOOED DUCHESS
THE TATTOOED DUCHESS is Book 2 of the trilogy A FIRE BENEATH THE SKIN and launches today! Book 1 was INK MAGE, so you'll need that first, I guess.
But for the thousands of readers who've already read Ink Mage, it's time to come back for more adventures with Duchess Rina Veraiin and all of her friends in THE TATTOOED DUCHESS. Remember, the book is being delivered in serial form, with a new episode hitting your Kindle each week. Once you plunk down your 1.99, you don't have to do anything else or pay any more. The episodes arrive automatically. AS IF BY MAGIC!!!! ahem.
Anyway ...
Lots of readers enjoy the anticipation of a new episode hitting their Kindle each week. Others .. not so much. They'd rather read on uninterrupted. For those readers, I suggest, getting in on the super cheap 1.99 price and then simply letting the episodes accumulate before you begin reading. Obviously, you can wait until the serial runs it's course and then buy it on Kindle as a complete book, but by then the price will have gone up a few bucks.
Also, we all know how the Amazon game works, and I'd love a lot of people to buy the book today (or as soon as possible) to kick that Amazon ranking right in the nut sack.
And for paperback lovers, don't worry. Once the serial has run it's course on Kindle, we can offer you an actual physical paperback in October.
Okay. Thanks for listening. You guys rock.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
THE TATTOOED DUCHESS is only three weeks away!
The second book in the trilogy A Fire beneath the Skin will become available for your Kindle in just three short weeks (give or take a few days). It's called The Tattooed Duchess and picks up with our friends from Ink Mage, especially Rina Veraiin who has been gifted with magical tattoos that grant her extraordinary powers.
But book 2 doesn't do you much good if you haven't read book 1, right?
So I'm compelled to briefly harass you to ick up the first book Ink Mage if you haven't yet. Do it soon so you'll be up to speed for the sequel. Simply click HERE.
Above: A scene from Ink Mage as depicted by artist Tazio Bettin.
(Click image to embiggen.)
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Words used to describe my new novel STAY
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Today is publication day for STAY !
My new thriller STAY comes out today and I want to thank some folks. As always, a big wad of gratitude to my agent David Hale Smith. Many thanks to my editor Brenden Deneen and also to the Thomas Dunne team. Thanks to the amazing authors who took the time to blurb the book: Blake Crouch, Greg Rucka, Michael Koryta, and Sean Chercover.
If you're looking to spend some cash, here's a link right HERE or by all means spend your money at your favorite book store.
Below is my first ever starred review. Thanks, Publishers Weekly!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
A fun contest for you artist types!
So in order to celebrate the recent release of the SALLY OF THE WASTELAND hardcover, Titan Comics is running a pinup art contest. Check out the official rules and whatnot here. Both pro and non-pro artists are welcome to submit.
You could win one millions dollars or a Lexus. Okay, that's a lie. But we are giving away a couple of hardcovers and some original art from SALLY artist Tazio Bettin. Mostly the contest is just for fun, and I would LOVE to see some of my artist pals take a crack at Sally or any of the other characters from her world. I know a lot of you artists are busy with paying work, but a lot of you start the morning with warm up sketches, right? You see where I'm going with this.
A quick Google search can get you to the images you need, or check out the sampling below:
Crazy mutant monsters!
River pirates!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Okay, I don't know how long this will last, but apparently my publisher is offering issue #1 of SALLY OF THE WASTELAND for ***FREE*** on comixology. Get it right HERE. And hey, if it touches your fun spot, maybe you'll invest in the other issues or the snazzy hardcover collection.
As long as we're in a bargain mood, remember THREE ON A LIGHT is only 99 pennies.
As is the gritting and appalling short story collection SWILL.
The trade of KISS ME, SATAN is 15 bucks on Amazon but the Kindle edition is only 2.99
And THIS RIDICULOUS NOVELLA by my alter ego is also just 99 pennies.
So go! Spend!
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Got me some hardcovers in the mail and had to snap a pic. Okay, the photo does NOT do it justice. This really is a handsomely produced book, and I'd like to thank the folks at Titan for an excellent creator-owned experience. Tell your local purveyor of comics and books to order you a copy, or click right HERE.
What folks have said:
"Pure visceral fun!" - Ain't It Cool News
"The script by X-Men writer Victor Gischler offers a lot of laughs and
some well-played action of the Grindhouse school." - Kabooooom
"A steamy world of sex, danger, and intrigue!" - BLOODY DISGUSTING
"Whedonverse goes to the Grindhouse theater." - FANGIRL NATION
"I found myself going back over the truly great artwork, and laughing
at some of Sally’s better one-liners." - Comics Spectrum
"Over the top, fun and enough graphic gratification to keep you on the
edge of the seat." - COMICS FOR SINNERS
"Tazio Bettin's scenery makes Waterworld look laughable." - UNLEASH THE FANBOY
"Profanity, nudity, zombies, and violence with blood and guts. It’s
Thursday, January 15, 2015
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