I've been waiting for a few bits of news to become "official" so I can crow a bit here at blogpocalypse. Now I can share at least one of these news items. As many of you already know, I went on a tangent into a new genre with a new publisher (Touchstone) and I tried my hand at some post apocalypse fiction -- as well as some vampire and werewolf stuff coming this September.
But you didn't really think I was going to leave crime writing, did you? I'm happy to report that Bleak House Books will be publishing my next crime novel The Deputy later this year. I'm excited as hell. The team at Bleak House is tops.
The Deputy is a short, tight pulpy little book that I'm kinda-sort of proud about. I was thrilled when the Bleaksters shared my enthusiasm. More as developments unfold ...
Good news, indeed.
V.G. Congrats! I've been hyped about any news on your next pulp and this just makes my day. Any idea on a release?
Thanks, guys.
Wade, I think we're looking at August.
By the way, the muscle car from an earlier post is featured in the book!
Great news, Victor. Looking forward to it.
Hell yeah! I've been waiting for this news ever since you first mentioned working on a novel that featured, among other things, muscle cars. Good to hear it will be out this year, and from the fine folks at Bleak House to boot!
"Short, tight pulpy little book" sounds perfect. Congratulations!
Are you and Pelecanos going to duke it out for the title of Muscle Car Champ??
W00t! Great news, Vic. I can't wait.
This is great news! I can't wait!
Fuck yeah.
Great, a pulp novel with muscle cars cant go wrong, please tell us more about it.Tomas/Sweden
Holy Hell! Is Bleak House trying to corner the marker on Brilliant and Cool authors?
Is that at all fair to other publishing houses?
That's great news, Victor. I can't wait.
Sounds like something I'd like!
Thanks, everyone.
I haven't written a novel is first person POV since Gun Monkeys, so that's another reason I found writing DEPUTY to be a fun experience. I'm already discussing a possible screenplay with my agent.
Great news, Victor!
You are the Keeng.
Nice one. More pulp is always a good thing.
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