Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Behold: THE PISTOL POETS in Italy

Thanks, Meridiano Zero!



Thank Youuuuu Victor...

Luca Conti said...

I had the time of my life translating it... A crazy ride!

Victor Gischler said...

Thank you, Luca!


Victor Gischler said...
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Gerard Saylor said...

A nice cover. A little gay, but a nice cover.

You and Joe R. Lansdale should team up on a tour there.

Paul D Brazill said...

Seems like a nice boy.

c nadeau said...

LOL!!! yeah that cover is kinda gayish and in no way reflects the brilliant story contained behind its beefcake exterior but the important thing is you're in Italian now.

ScarWeld said...

G:R:E:A:T:! ^_____^