Okay. It's time to pitch your post-apocalypse movie to the Hollywood big-wigs. Here's the trouble: Your movie must star Carrot-Top and the Olsen Twins. Let's hear your best pitch in 20 words or fewer.
(There is no prize for this. Completely wasting your time is its own reward.)
Three’s Company meets Road Warrior. Carrot-Top and the Olsen Twins must re-populate the species after Armageddon. Humungus plays Mr. Furley.
The movie opens with zombies killing and eating the three red herring principals--think Steven Seagal's untimely demise in Executive Decision or Bruce Campbell in Congo. The remainder of the film follows the zombies as they establish rudimentary free markets and parliamentary government.
The twins are the only entertainers left when Carrot Top's toy nuclear button actually works.
Tired of literaly holding the Earth in space between their shoulders, the Olsen Twins get bored and let it fall, fall, fall, into Carrot Top's fiery afro, burning all of the peoples of the planet forever and ever, amen.
It's an art film.
Carrot-Top and the Olsen Twins team up to take on the one man responsible for the fall of the planet.
Chad Vader.
In 21st century post-nuclear war Kenya, Carrot Top, a free-spirited game-hunter, has a doomed love affair with the Olsen Twins.
When the Olsen Twins eat Carrot-Top, it triggers a shitting frenzy that leaves the earth covered in lethal Olsen-manure.
It's a German porn movie.
Ha. Good stuff, guys. All very amusing. But "Humungus plays Mr. Furley" made me laugh out loud. Bravo, Steve.
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