There's something you should know about me. I'm a frothing, rabid Will Ferrell fan. The guy just cracks me up. I liked the recent Nascar movie he did, and I think the promo for Blades of Glory looks hilarious. His best movie role is still Ron Burgundy in Anchorman. But before his film career took off, one particular SNL skit made me a fan for life. It's when Will is doing Neil Diamond on VH1 storytellers. The stuff he says is just so ... wrong ... that it's screamingly funny. So I tried to link to the skit on YouTube, but I couldn't make it work. I suggest you go find it yourself. (Yes, my blog is just THAT lame.)
Will Ferrell is the one man who can give us MORE COWBELL!
I think the Youtube clip you're looking for is here.
"Get off that shed right now, or I will MURDER you!"
John D.,
The cowbell! How could I forget the cowbell? And I'm such a B.O.C. fan too. And thanks for providing the link. Are you magic? I tried to do it and YouTube invited me to F myself.
Are you magic?
Yes, I am. But keep it under your hat. If my wife finds out, she'll add about a gazillion things to the list of chores she expects me to do.
"You bet your balls its Neil Diamond." I can't believe no ones mentioned Old School. "We're going streaking...YOUR MY BOY BLUE!"
"I wrote this next song after I killed a drifter to get an erection."
Cow bell baby!!! And no, I cant wait to see Blades of Glory, maybe this week!! And I'd also like to thank you Sweet Baby Jesus! My cousin posted a video on youtube..under, Stomach Irritation ! It rocks...and rolls, all night baby!
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