Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Here comes 2010 ...

Sunday, December 6, 2009
FINCH by Jeff VanderMeer

Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trying to decide ...
The point is that I have a handful of novel ideas, and I like all of them. Some days, I want to go in a more sci-fi direction. Other days, I feel I'd love to follow up THE DEPUTY (coming in April from Tyrus) with another short, sharp crime novel. There are some things I've been wanting to try for a long time, but I've always had other obligations, contracts to fulfill, whatever. Here's what I want: I want to feel 100% awesome about whatever I'm writing. Like my body and soul are perfectly confident in the knowledge that I have absolutely made the right decision.
So I've got November and December to try to get into that frame of mind. Wish me luck.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Some times I ask you guys these things ...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thanks, Crimespree
"I laughed till coffee came out of my nose, seriously."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The 10 year career
So when did I hear the starting gun? Some history: In 1998 (or was it late 1997?), I was working hard toward my master's degree in English at the University of West Florida. In a graduate fiction workshop, I wrote a short story called "Hitting Rufus" which I sold to a small journal called Lynx Eye. I was pleased. At that time, I wanted anyone to publish me. I just wanted to get the work out there. But it was later, after the story had been published, that I got an e-mail that was ... well ... a surprise. I'd moved on to the University of Southern Mississippi to work on my Ph.D. when I got word the story "Hitting Rufus" had been selected for the 1999 edition of Otto Penzler's Best American Mystery Stories. The editor that year was the late, great Ed McBain. I mark that as the official starting point of my career because not only was I in a bigger profile publication than I'd ever appeared in before but the story's protagonist was Charlie Swift, the mob gunman who went on to star in my fist novel, the Edgar-nominated GUN MONKEYS. I had a direction now: Crime writer.
So what is this blog post about? I suppose it's half self-reflection and half state of the union address. I've come full circle now back to science fiction and fantasy. I hope everyone reading this has ten or twelve copies of Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse and Vampire A Go-Go. Please remember that they make excellent birthday, Christmas and Arbor Day gifts. And yet my eager leap into these new genres in no way means I've given up crime writing. The cool folks at the shiny new Tyrus Books will publish my crime novel The Deputy in April of 2010. And since I'm keen on stories in all forms, I've been trying my hand at screenwriting and having a hell of a lot of fun with Punisher and Deadpool at Marvel Comics. Great writers like Lee Goldberg and Matthew Bright have worked (or are working) hard on excellent adaptations of my books. Lee's masterful adaptation of Gun Monkeys earned respect all over Hollywood, and we now have stylish director Ryuhei Kitamura attached to the project. I know once Matt's adaptation of G0-Go Girls begins making the rounds, people will be impressed too. And I have great faith in the talented young man currently humping it hard on the Shotgun Opera adaptation. More about that when the time is right. I'm hoping to dazzle you guys with some cool announcements very soon. So much happening!
And yet ... most days, I still feel like a rookie at this. So many things I'll probably never get to do, but I can dream. I'd love to write for Adult Swim. I'd love to write one of those thick-ass, horse-choking epic fantasy novels.
So that's where I am and where I've been. Now to figure where I'm going.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Vampire A Go-Go Update

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day Writing Grill-a-thon
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The New Book

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Website A Go-Go
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sell out!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
At home with Tyrus Books
Now, I need to beg a bit of patience from some of you nice people. The move to Tyrus means a new ISBN# and some other paperwork. This means all you fine folks who awesomely pre-ordered it on Amazon or elsewhere might have to order it again once Tyrus gets it all straight. I hope you'll all stick with me as we make the transition. I've also had some helpful people say they're going to review it or mention it on blogs since they've read (and approved of) advance copies. Coolness. Just hang on a few more months. Thanks.
Again, I'm excited. I'm very happy so many of you enjoyed Go-Go Girs of the Apocalypse, and I'm grateful that so many of you have told me how much you're looking forward to Vampire A Go-Go. But I'm very eager about THE DEPUTY. You know .... to show I haven't called it quits with crime writing. No way.
Stay tuned.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Greetings from Maine

Monday, July 6, 2009
Thank You, Publisher's Weekly
Vampire a Go-Go Victor Gischler. Touchstone, $14.99 paper (288p) ISBN978-1-4165-5227-7
Gischler (Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse) populates a world of intriguewith supernatural creatures in this highly entertaining novel. AllenCabbot is saved from flunking out of graduate school by the extremelydifficult Prof. Evergreen, who invites him to join a research projectin Prague. Almost immediately, Allen finds himself tangling with Battle Jesuits, a Society of Witches and a vampire, and he learns that Evergreen’s real goal may be the philosopher’s stone. The feisty ghostof 16th-century alchemist Edward Kelley serves as narrator,complaining about the picture on his Wikipedia entry while explainingthe history behind Allen’s adventure. While the characters lack depth,even the villains are approachable and likable. Dan Brown fans whodon’t mind a little humor and magic mixed into their thrillers willenjoy this charming tale. (Sept.)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Publisher's Weekly on THE DEPUTY

At the start of this solid noir from Gischler (Suicide Squeeze), the police chief of Coyote Crossing, Okla., asks Toby Sawyer, a part-time deputy, to keep an eye on the bullet-ridden body of redneck Luke Jordan, found late one night lying half-in and half-out of an old pickup truck. Since a 17-year-old girl Toby's fond of lives nearby, he can't resist the temptation to take a break from his vigil. On returning to the truck and discovering the corpse gone, Toby fears his dereliction of duty will end his job with the sheriff's office. In the course of his desperate search for the cadaver, Toby encounters a truckload of illegal Mexican aliens as well as corrupt colleagues. Meanwhile, as the body count rises, Toby's wife, with whom he has a loveless marriage, leaves town. The ending may be a bit upbeat for true noir devotees, but it leaves the door open for a sequel, which would be a welcome prospect, given Toby's appeal as a protagonist.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rally Time, Mofos
From Anthony Neil Smith:
In the Last Episode, Jedidiah Ayres spit in your soup at Hardboiled Wonderland.
It had been a strange few days for Steel God--the attempt on his private parts, the run-in with that strange guy at the Bibliothecary, and now being haunted by Emerson LaSalle. Or was it the pills and booze?
Even now, LaSalle’s plug of his bio-pic Pulp Boy--co-written by Anthony Neil Smith and Victor Gischler, being developed by Jake Dickey of Explosive Entertainment--echoed in his head like those song lyrics you just can’t remember, or like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle that vanished before you even opened the box.
Why would one of his heroes dis him like that? Especially if it was a figment of his own drug-addled, sleep-deprived imagination?
But Steel God was still sharp enough to realize he was being followed. Had been since the cemetery. It wasn’t a “blend in” sort of car. A convertible BMW. Whoever it was had been keeping about a half-mile back, obvious but not aggressive. He’d already figured out it wasn’t law--only one guy. That left jealous husbands (easy enough), vigilantes (easier), or one of the big fish from the drug trade (those were tough).
The follower would speed up when Steel God sped up, slow when he slowed. It took a truck stop outside of Sioux Falls to finally bring the guy out of the shadows.
Steel God went inside to grab some coffee and a slice of pie. It wasn’t ten minutes later when a disheveled man slid onto the stool beside him. Salt-and-pepper hair, usually very-well styled, sort of a hungover mess. Aviator shades, five o’clock shadow. Smelled like he’d worn the same clothes a week.
“Just a Sprite,” he told the waitress, stinking of bourbon.
Steel God just glanced at him, didn’t say a word.
Then the man asked, “What did he tell you?”
“LaSalle. Wh-what did he have to say?”
Steel God’s blood chilled in spite of the scalding black coffee. “The fuck are you talking about? Dude’s dead.”
“Then who were you talking to? What set you off?”
He’d been there watching the whole time. Waited out the blackout. And…he knew.
Steel God said, “Who are you, man?”
Ticked a grin, then nothing. He said, “I was rich. I was successful. I did it all in spite of LaSalle. But in the end, we became friends.”
“All right.”
“He was supposed to tell me the secret. He’d been working up to it, the secret of his prolificacy.” His voice cracked, and he lifted his fist, shook it at the sky. “But then that bear! That goddamned bear!”
Steel God took a bite of pie. It was nice pie. Chocolate.
“He did it on purpose. Let that bear get him. To foil me, I tell you. He had to have the last laugh over Stone Q. Mann.”
He glanced over. Steel God waited.
Mann said, “Ever heard of me?”
“Can’t say I have.”
“They made movies of my books.”
Steel God pulled a five from his pocket, laid it on the bar, and started to go. If this Mann fellow wasn’t hooked into the drug trade, then he was just some loon. Better ignore him.
Mann grabbed Steel God’s shoulder. “Wait. I can show you more. I can give you what it is you’re searching for.”
Any other man would’ve grabbed God that way, he’d have lost use of his arm. Immediately. But something about sad-sack Stone Q. Mann made him pause and give the guy a chance.
On their way out to the parking lot, Mann filled in some holes. “I met LaSalle at my first sci-fi convention when I was sixteen, seventeen, something like that. He was a hero! So I hoped he would read one of my stories. But when I approached him in the bar, he humiliated me. Handed my ass to me. So I vowed to top his success. And I did! I was the best-selling speculative novelist of the nineties.”
By then, they were at the trunk of Mann’s car. He opened it to reveal several boxes full of LaSalle’s books. Next to them was an electronic contraption that looked like something Q would give to Bond.
Mann went on, “When we buried the ax, I began learning so much more. I felt free as a writer, no longer tied to science or reason.” He spat those words like they were poison. “I mean, my sales plummeted, and I was handed off to smaller and smaller presses until, well…maybe they didn’t sell, but I was writing the best shit of my entire career! And just when I came to the point where LaSalle was ready to give me the final answer--”
“He croaked. Got it.”
“Yes! Croaked indeed. But I knew that his physical form could be transcended. I’ve been waiting for his ghost to return from the great beyond and deliver the final puzzle piece.”
Steel God grinned. Maybe Stone Q. Mann did understand.
“So, please, Mr. Biker, sir. What did LaSalle have to say to you? What as it I’ve been waiting for?”
“Well, he was kind of a prick.”
Mann’s excitement fell. His face went blank. “Still?”
“You knew him better than I ever did. He called me a fool.”
Mann shrugged. “So…four hundred thousand thousand dollars and career down the drain over…a real jerk.”
Just then, a Toyota Prius pulled up alongside Mann’s BMW. Then another on the other side. And then another roaming the edges of the parking lot. Inside all of them were men in Roman collars and dark sunglasses.
Mann looked panicked. “They found me. Oh shit. I’ve said too much. You need to get out of here.”
“Dude, take it down a notch.”
“No, you down notch it, sir! These men…they are stone cold killers.”
“They’re priests.”
“Exactly. You’d better hurry.” Mann shoved a box of books into Steel God’s arms, slammed the trunk and hopped in his car. He spun out of the parking lot, followed by all three of the Priuses.
Steel God stood watching a few minutes…then dropped the box of books, mounted his bike, and throttled up.
But before he left, he reached in and grabbed a couple of LaSalles--Sheriff Dracula and Death Throes of the Serpentine Queen. Why the hell not? It got dull on the road sometimes, even for a biker badass like himself.
What haven’t I said about Victor Gischler on these pages? You know I went to grad school with the guy, and he was there in the beginning of Plots with Guns. We read each others’ first drafts. We try to hit a few cities together for tours, conferences or just a round of golf along with our buddy Sean Doolittle whenever we can.
Plus, he’s a “genre chameleon”, able to slip into and out of sc-fi, crime, fantasy, superheroes, and literary fiction without skipping a step--it’s about telling a good story, and whatever instrument helps tell that story, that’s the one he’ll play.
Then there’s Emerson LaSalle, Gischler’s pseudonym/alter ego, designed as a way to revel in the glories of a type of sci-fi we don’t see much anymore: cheap, indulgent, and full of imagination, thus the LaSalle Principal: “Technology ruined science fiction.
A typical LaSalle novel would theoretically blend a sci-fi landscape with a Western or Crime plot, dotted with bad science (even for its time!) and flagrantly sexist depictions of giant-breasted alien women. Plus, he would rail against Nazis and animals a lot. And supposedly, he wrote over 400 of them.
When we talk LaSalle, we’re talking about the tendency to let logic fly in favor of ol’ fashioned shoot ‘em up, Cinemascope, Technicolor wonder. It’s like a spice you add to a work that might not be quite doing it for you on the page while you write.
You can find some LaSalle leanings in Gischler’s Go Go Girls of the Apocalypse, and even more so in his forthcoming Vampire A Go Go--featuring alchemists, vampires, werewolves, crack squads of battle priests, and ancient treasure. And I’ve heard his plans for even more actually using the nom de plume.
But let’s get to the heart of it all: Gischler is a true pulp hero. He writes fast, he writes smart, and every book or story is going to grab you by the balls. In an age when it feels like we’ve lost the thrill of grabbing a cheap paperback off the newsstand and leaving it behind on the bus for others to read, the story spreading like wildfire, Gischler gives us that again every time out of the gate.
And man, he got to write a Wolverine! How fucking cool is that? Keep up the good work, buddy.
Another thing we’ve got in common--one of the best damned publishers in the country: Bleak House Books. Hogdoggin’ is hitting stores now (Buy it on June 1st, please! Hogdoggin’ Monday!), and The Deputy will be following right behind in August. It’s a great fucking book. Mine’s a road romp through the raw and rough Minnesota prairies, and his is a dusty scorpion-bite noir set in Oklahoma. Both well worth your time.
Tomorrow, Sophie Littlefield can’t stop, won’t stop whuppin’ ass.
On the Main Stage: William Shatner, “Common People”
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hey you tough-ass, hardboiled writer types!
They look fun and word on the street is that they're open to submissions.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
LaSalle Remembered

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I bet you're all glad this tournament thingy is over, so you can stop hearing me beg for votes. Hey, I'm glad too. I was getting sick of myself. I think I e-mailed ever person I ever met to get them in on the action. So it's over. No more harassing you. (At least not about this.) And man, this tournament lasted a MONTH. At first I was all like, "Hey, maybe vote for me if you have the time." But by the end it was "Oh, God help! I Need votes NOW!" So it feels good not to be so manic about it anymore. Yeah, time to calm it down. Breathe, Gischler. In through the nose and out through the mouth.
And it's also time to thank some folks. For everyone who voted in any round (many of you in every round): Thanks. I mean it. I really appreciate your taking the time. It's quite likely some of you logged into the Bookspot Central website specifically to vote for me and don't plan on ever going back again. Understandable. But it's a good website, full of entertaining reviews and commentary, so I hope you'll go back for a visit now and then.
One of the purposes of the tournament was to get people talking about books and maybe put readers onto authors they haven't read before. It worked. I've ordered Goblin War by Jim Hines and plan to order The Way of the Shadows by Brent Weeks. And while I do think some folks will order Go-Go now that might not have before, I think this strategy has backfired a bit too ... at least to some minor degree.
The tone of the competition seemed to change slightly in the last two rounds. I suspect some people will be resentful their pet book didn't win and will avoid my book at all costs. Indeed, some of the comments in the final round were a bit sad. One voter said that we should all vote for Brent Weeks since he was the "underdog" because Gischler has "published 25 novels." Did I? Did I black out for a decade? If so, then some publishers owe me a shitload of back royalties. I haven't published 25 novels. Not even close. And I assume that most of Weeks' reader are upstanding decent folk. Anyway, it's only a slight blemish on an otherwise positive experience.
But the fact remains that it is very damn cool that I've won. Hey, I lost an Edgar Award and an Anthony Award. So it's about time we scored one for the Gischler
Again ... you guys. YOU guys. Thanks.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Your last chance for quality karma!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Once more into the breach, Dear Friends!
Now I'm in the finals, and, I'll be honest, it's still all for fun ... but I really really want to win. I admit it.
This is going to be a tough one, people. I'm definitely the underdog. I'm up against a fantasy novel called The Way of the Shadow by Brent Weeks. Right now the vote count is as tight as hell, but Weeks has a lot of loyal readers and once they really wake up and mobilize, the Gischler is in some deep doo-doo.
You guys have taken me me this far. It's all you. And I'm grateful as hell. I'm going to be borrowing against good deeds until the year 2024 to pay back the karma debt.
But I need you just one more time. One more vote (and they also ask for a sentence or two to explain why) and I can stop hounding you about this. For those who've vote already ... thanks. Go get your friends and neighbors to vote now. For the rest of you, baby, this is it. The final push. Please go here and vote. You do have to register, but I understand it just takes a minute.
Thanks and double thanks.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Sequel ... to go back for seconds or not?
Recently, I got an e-mail from a dude named Scott who suggested I stop jacking around and get to work on a a sequel to Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse since he liked it so much. Scott is not alone in this sentiment. I have gotten a lot of requests for a sequel. Dare I say a shitload? Yes, I dare. Some of these requests came in the form of e-mails, others in person when I went around doing some signing events last summer. It seemed like the first question out of everyone's mouth was "when are we going to see more adventures with Mortimer?"
Here's the thing: For the first time ever I was actually excited about the idea of writing a sequel. I even went as far as thinking up additional characters, a general plot and strategies for avoiding what I consider to be common pitfalls with sequels. I pitched the idea for a sequel to my publisher.
My publisher said this: "You should shove that idea straight up your ass, Gischler."
Okay, they were more professional and polite than that. They explained that traditionally sequels only sell half as well as the first novel. They were not hip to a sequel. (Although calling my next novel Vampire A Go-GO sort of makes it sound like a sequel.)
So there you have it, people. I anticipate I will still have readers requesting a sequel, and I wish I could have better news for them. But until my publisher (or some other publisher?) comes demanding I get writing the next apocalypse book, it looks like a NO-GO instead of a GO-GO.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse in the Final Four
I'll refrain from the hard sell at the moment, but if you happen to want to vote, I'd appreciate it. VOTE HERE. Let's keep it on the level people. One vote per person.
(And I promise a non-"vote for me" blog post coming soon.)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Begging for votes ...

Having said that, I feel a very warm and fuzzy swelling of gratitude to the many folks who have voted for me. And hey, it's not over yet. I'd appreciate anyone's vote right now if you haven't voted yet. Go and vote now!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Go-Go makes it to the Elite Eight ... but all is not rosey

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Book vs. Book Smackdown ... One last plea
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Twitter me this, Batman
Where was I? Ah.
So if you are a twitter person, or think you might like to be, then please consider following me on Twitter. Don't you want to know what I'm doing every second? Sure you do.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Bullet point of the apocalypse
* Next, thank you thank you thank you to the cool people in the Louisiana State University English Department who run the Readers & Writers Series and invited me to read last night to a very receptive crowd. It was fun. Double extra thanks to Professor Brannon Costello who introduced me and made me sound like a big shot. Poet Laura Mullen put the whole event together. Thanks heaped onto her also. The other reader on the bill was poet Oni Buchanan who dazzled the crowd the a multi-media presentation. Super-keen fun all around.
* If you enjoy apocalypse and own an X-Box360 then you should be playing THIS.
* Vampire A GO-GO has sold to Germany.
* TEASER. New awesome projects in the works. Stay tuned to this blog for announcements.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Book Spot Central book vs. book smackdown ... Go-Go Girls against the ropes

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Book Spot Central book vs. book smackdown tournament: part 2

Monday, March 16, 2009
GO-GO GIRLS OF THE APOCALYPSE March Madness Tournament Smackdown!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Yo, Cross-genre types, PLOTS WITH (ray) GUNS needs you.

Okay, writer types. Lets see if you have the chops for PWG.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Pulling the plug on the bullshit (before somebody puts an eye out)
Uh ... duh.
Really, wasn't it sort of obvious? Did anyone think this was a serious attempt to fool anyone? I mean, maybe for a second until people think, "No way." I've gotten dozens of e-mails asking something like, "Hey, you're just screwing with us, right?" And I always write back and say, "yeah it's just a goof" or words to that effect. A number of people have also noticed that photos of LaSalle have really been pictures of Irish author James Joyce. Most people enjoyed playing along and totally "got it."
I appreciate all of the people who have been in on the joke. Believe it or not, I didn't create the LaSalle wikipedia entry or the entries on GoodReads.com, nor did I write all of the "scholarship" and "tributes" that appears on other blogs and web pages. I'm only responsible for what's appeared on this blog. Basically this started with a lot of people having fun and pretending. But now this hoax business is apparently endangering our American way of life. It's time to stop the madness.
More to the point, I don't want the fun goof of a fake LaSalle to distract from the very real news that Jake Dickey at Explosive Entertainment Motion Pictures has optioned PULP BOY, the screenplay I've co-written with Anthony Neil Smith. This news, at least, is very very real, and Neil and I are very happy that Mr. Dickey gets the character, story and style of humor. I'll post further film news as things happen. (And it's real. I mentioned that, right?)
So, just to be very clear, Emerson LaSalle is not any more real than Big Foot or Santa Clause or James Patterson. (But the film news is real.)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pony up for SAFER

Sunday, February 22, 2009
The story behind the Emerson LaSalle screenplay PULP BOY

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Emerson LaSalle for the Big Screen?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Legends of the Smith Corona #00

"In 1950, I wrote an epic space opera called To Swallow the Sun in eleven hours. The book was 600,000 words long. To be fair, I passed off a number of short chapters as 'cloud person' talk which basically consisted of random groupings of the letter F. So a typical cloud person conversation might go like this:
'Fffff ff f fffffffff fffff f ff fffff.'
And so on. It was a pretty damn long novel, so I would often take chapters from the beginning and copy them over again at the end. Nobody seemed to notice. The last three hours I snorted lines of Ovaltine to keep awake. I could not afford milk then and lived mostly on army surplus k rations and Brill Cream."
-- Emerson LaSalle in an interview with Hugh Downs, 1970.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Now it can be told ... film edition
I'll keep you updated as I find out more.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Now it can be told ...

Sunday, February 1, 2009
25 random things (yeah, this meme caught up with me too.)
1. I was a huge lover of science fiction and fantasy long before I got into crime fiction.
2. I have a Ph.D. in English from the University of Southern Mississippi.
3. I *hate* shaving but don't think I look particularly good with a beard.
4. My Italian publisher is Meridiano Zero. They treat me like a king and I love them!
5. I enjoy drinking beer at Epcot.
6. I enjoy traveling with my father. We've been around the world and all over Europe and the USA.
7. My wife also has a Ph.D. and is a much better academic than I am.
8. I am training my five year old son to be a Jedi Knight with plastic light sabers we got for Christmas.
9. I love independent films and am about to finalize an option for my 2nd screenplay.
10. The show Father Ted cracks me up.
11. I am eagerly waiting for season 3 of Venture Brothers to come out on DVD.
12. I love to grill and prefer charcoal to gas.
13. Even as I fool around with thise meme, I'm behind on other writing projects.
14. I've been "best man" for two weddings and would have been best man for a third but got very sick very suddenly and had to bail. (For which I was very sorry.)
15. I drink waaaaaaay too much coffee.
16. I am writing this on Super Bowl Sunday and could care less about the Super Bowl. I'm much more interested in the final round of the FBR Open.
17. I've written issues of Punisher and Wolverine (forthcoming) for Marvel Comics.
18. I used to live on 5 acres in backwater Oklahoma where deer and other animals routinely wandered through the yard.
19. I get my news from TV and radio ... not newspapers.
20. I own a double-barrel shotgun.
21. I stayed in Baton Rouge for Hurricane Gustav.
22. Some douchebag swiped my lawn mower.
23. I am buying a new lawn mower today.
24. I like a rainy day as long as I don't have to go anywhere.
25. In my opinion, Warren Zevon kicks ass.
Okay. I'm now supposed to tag 25 people, but after doing a little math, I realize I don't even know 25 people. So the first 25 people who read this should tag themselves.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Trying to Sci-fi Myself

Trev Maviano ... back in action
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thanks for playing
Anchovy pizza is definitely a thumbs up. I used to tell people I ordered little fish on my pizza to keep bum pals of mine from asking for a slice. But the fact is I really do like the taste. Coors Light. Alas, a thumbs up. This almost not beer serves a purpose when mowing the lawn on a 99 degree day or slaving over a hot grill. Deep down, I know it's bad beer, but a fellow needs to hydrate. Abba is soooooo far down that it is back up again. This is simple pop culture physics, people. The Wii is cool and I love the golf. But it's expensive and my wife nagged me or one. Thumbs down. Phil Mickelson. Up, douchebags. Roy Orbison. Up. But my pals made fun of me in high school, so I wasn't sure. American Idol. Down, and yet for some reason I watch it anyway. I'm ashamed. The film DEATH PROOF is a sluggish up. I heard from so many people that it sucked, that my expectations were rock bottom when I saw it. And naturally it wasn't that bad. Real wives of ANYWHERE is a thumbs down. (The show, I mean. Not actual wives.)
I forget the rest. Meh. Who cares?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Extremely controversial issues

Folks, for years I've found myself in the middle of a storm of controversy over some issues which seem to pop up again and again in my life. I've decided these important issues can only be solved by blog readers. So I need you to weigh in on the following issues which remain of paramount importance to our nation ... indeed to the whole world.
Please give me your thumbs up or thumbs down on the following:
1. Roy Orbison
2. Anchovies on pizza
3. Coors Light
4. The film DEATH PROOF
5. Real Wives of Atlanta
6. The Wii
7. Texas
8. Abba
9. the Kindle
10. the McRibb sandwich
11. Air France
12. Phil Mickelson
13. Shaving
14. Grits
15. Wal-Mart
16. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
17. Fresh water fishing
18. James Joyce
19. American Idol
20. any card game where you "bid"
Friday, January 16, 2009
"Conan the Barbarian Meets Mad Max"
Thanks to the folks at Arcon Citadel for this great review.
John Mortimer R.I.P.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Gischler sucks / Gischler's awesome
Ouch. No hard feelings, Jayna. I appreciate your giving the book a try. I hope you get all the Dr. Who stuff on your Amazon wish list.
On the other hand, horror author Bryan Smith's Top Ten Reads of 2008 lists Go-Go as one of his favorites. So, that's worth like at least eleven stars, right?
So really I'm way ahead.
Monday, January 12, 2009
So bad it's good?