Wednesday, February 28, 2007
An open letter to all you know-it-all Reviewers

Monday, February 26, 2007
Out of the Gutter Magazine

Saturday, February 24, 2007
It's Beer (seriously this time)

When I used to live in Oklahoma and I was mowing the lawn in summer and it was 105 effing degrees outside, then a nice, cold watery beer like Coors Light really fit the bill. But now that I live one block from a fancy-food market with a great beer and wine selection ... well, I'm finding some interesting choices. My favorite beer is still the stuff I had on tap in the Czech Republic. Get yourself an expensive airline ticket and head to Prague for a week for some first class beering. Hmmmm. I feel the need to get back to Europe. Soon.
Friday, February 23, 2007
It's Beer (ish)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Chat me up, Part III
Thanks to Gerald So for the invite.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chat me up, Part II
Again, the chat is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 18 at 3:oo Central Time.
Thanks to Gerald for the step-by-step instructions.
Chat me up
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thursday, February 8, 2007
My very important and extremely effective writing process (so pay attention)
Of course you do.
We've all looked at a published novel and with a very very impressed expression on our faces thought, "Wow. That's a lot of typing."
Yes it is. A lot of typing. Indeed.
So I will give you the secret of my writing process. Take notes.
First, I get up every morning at 4:30 a.m. and jog sixty miles. It's good to do this in a circle so you're not far far away from home when you finish. This clears the mind. Especially on a cold morning. Even in winter I jog in a speedo and smear my body with vasoline. This is very artistic. DO NOT take an ipod or walkman or any other music listening device. Music is the artistic creation of another. You must hum to yourself only, or sing out loud if you feel others would enjoy your voice. I suggest something by Abba -- Super Trouper. This is collaboratively artistic, so it's okay.
Do not shower upon returning home. You should literally be steaming with creativity.
Eat one chocolate-chip granola bar and wash it down with 22 cups of coffee.
Now you are ready to write. Your mindset is ready to receive the muse. That smell? It's you. It is the stench of art.
Perhaps you are still not 100% in the mindset. Fret not.
Light several aroma therapy candles. This might seem a bit sissy. Not everyone likes the aroma of "jasmine sunrise." After a careful internet search I found a company in Gary, Indiana that makes manly scented aroma therapy candles. I prefer "gun oil" but "catcher's mitt" is nice too.
Enough. It is time to write.
I write verbs on M/W/F and nouns on T/TH. That's just me. If you're old fashioned you might enjoy writing everything all at once. Some mystery authors like to start at the end and work their way backwards. Fine, but that could take forever. I start in the middle and work my way to the end and the beginning at the same time.
Break for lunch. Fruit or possibly unpopped popcorn kernels.
Then back at it for another solid thirty minutes.
Try this for six months, and you too can one day look at your completed manuscript and proudly think, "Man, that sure is a lot of typing."
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Suicide Squeeze book trailer
This is sort of ancient history, but I discovered it on YouTube. It was meant to promote the hardcover release. (Although I like the paperback cover much better.) Anyway, it's minimal but still neato-nifty. The tralier they did for Shotgun Opera is even better, but it wasn't availablke on YouTube.
Degenerate Literature

Friday, February 2, 2007
"If you're not cop, you're little people."

A big thumbs up to John D. over at Nobody Move!
Speaking of P.K. Dick, I heard A Scanner Darkly sucked it big time. True?