In between talking about beer and wine and what dead animal I'm grilling, I'm supposed to occasionally use this blog to try to get you to buy junk I've written. This is one of those posts.
Now I know many of you probably got an AMAZON GIFT CARD for Christmas, so you can check out
The Deputy or
Three on a Light on Kindle, both at bargain prices. In addition to gift cards, maybe you got yourself a nifty e-reader and you're eager to take it for a test spin. Now's the time, baby.
I'm meeting with my producer Wednesday for sushi, and we're going to discuss tweaks to the screenplay I've adapted from one of my own novels. You can't complain about how the novel is sooooo much better than the film unless you actually
read the novel, so it's time to finally break down and get your copy of
Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse. There's also a great script for
this novel, so I'll keep you up to date on news as I hear it.
For my funny book peeps, I suggest the complete
Merc with a Mouth in hardcover. Mmmmm. Full of Deadpooly goodness.
So get out there and do your part for the economy. SPEND, BABY!