Hello directors, producers and screenwriters. Let's talk film options. THIS IS A CONTEST.
Regular readers of this blog know that my novels Gun Monkeys and Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse have been optioned for film, and as soon as I can let other various cats out of other bags, I might be able to announce other bits of news along these lines. I'm also into some screenwriting as I've mentioned before HERE. I love -- LOVE -- the idea of one or more of my novels being adapted for screen, love the idea of how a director or an actor or actress might interpret my story. Obviously, if these films were actually made, I'd pocket a nice bit of change, but more than that is the excitement of actually seeing it happen. So let's do it. Let's make a movie!
I'm not kidding when I say I am frequently approached (via e-mail) by people who would like an option or would like to write a screenplay based on one of my novels. I'm always flattered and always surprised, but I always seem to be turning them away which sort of bums me out. I hate to say no to someone who's so excited about my work. But the fact is I make my living as a writer now, so I have to be careful with my most valuable commodities -- the rights for my novels. Also, the simple fact is that most people ask about books which have already been optioned.
But I got a bunch of short stories that are just getting dusty. So here is the contest. Consider which of my short stories you think could be adapted to a feature film. I'm going to list a few of my favorites below, but any of my short stories is up for grabs. I actually toyed with adapting a few of them myself, but I'm seriously pressed for time these days. In fact, I did adapt one of my own short stories "Silent Harvest" which appeared in the anthology North Florida Noir. I fleshed out minor characters, added and expanded scenes, and viola I had a nice little indy feature screenplay. The script was optioned (and recently renewed) by an energetic producer in NYC.
Submit your best pitch, for any of my published short stories. If you have industry contacts, an agent, a manager, then tell me that. Anything to convince me your serious about getting a film made. It doesn't have to be a 50 million dollar mega-feature. I love small, indy film.
Entries with a visual will get strong preference. Want to do a trailer? Some animation? A mock up of a movie poster. Hey, part of the reason to do this is to have fun, so give me stuff to post and share and I'll link to you.
DEADLINE is JUNE 1, 2010. I want to give people plenty of time to get their ducks in a row.
Post thoughts and ideas in the comments section. Maybe suggest which of my short stories you think would be a good film. Actual pitches should be sent here: victor.gischler@gmail.com
What will come of this? Hell if I know. Maybe nothing. But some days you wake up and think, hey, lets throw some ingredients into the pot and see if we get some lunch out of it.
Keep in mind I am the sole judge and will pick the winner.
Some possible short stories:
"Kill Posse" in Thuglit: Hardcore Hardboiled
"They Always Get You" in These Guns For Hire
"Duffers of the Apocalypse" in Damn Near Dead
"Fire Girl" in Uncage Me
"Xs for Eyes" in Plots With Guns
There are other stories too, if you can find them out there on the inter-web or elsewhere.
Good luck!
UPDATE: Getting some questions in the inbox about the contest, so I thought I'd clarify a few things. The e-mail above is perfectly fine for sending questions.
1. You do NOT need to be an "industry person" to enter the contest. It's just something you could mention in your pitch if you are.
2. Yes, pitches for short films are cool too, but pitches for features might catch my attention more.
3. Yes, any short story, not just the ones listed above. I was hoping to put up some links, but a lot of my online publications have disappeared as these webzines have closed down. If anyone can find a link, please do post it in the comments section.
Questions are cool. Keep 'em coming.
UPDATE: The story "Final Tally" appeared in the first issue of OUT OF THE GUTTER. Since the run of that issue sold out, it might be hard to get a copy, so just send me an e-mail and Ill zap you a file. No problemo.
UPDATE: Also, check out "The Humpers" from The Mississippi Review.
Hey, Victor. I just finished Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse a few minutes ago. As I was approaching the epilogue, I thought, whoah, this has got to be made into a film by someone who can do it justice, and then came to your blogsite only to discover it's in the works.
I gotta say, there are some novels that, although I love the journey, I eventually find myself growing slightly anxious for the story to come to a conclusion so that I can get into the next book, and there are others that I dig so much that I never want the story to end. In this case, Go-Go Girls is in the second category. Thanx, man.
This was the first of your works that I have had the pleasure to read, and I look forward to reading your other writings. I think from here on I will go chrono with them.
Thanx from the bottom of my soul.
Doug from OR in TW.
What was the name of that story about the magic pipe? That seemed like sort of a proto-Vampire a Go Go with a private eye protag. That would make a nice flick.
Thanks, Doug. I'm glad you found the book and enjoyed it. Cool.
Graham, that story was called "Smoke" and sadly the website that published it is belly up, I think, or I would have provided a link.
Of all your novels, Shotgun Opera is the most cinematic. I'm guessing that one is already optioned.
"Kill Posse" is one of my favorites in the Thug Lit anthology, and I was happy my story was in the same book. If I could devote time it deserves, I'd jump on the chance of writing a screenplay for it.
This someone could do a killer interpretation of Fire Girl. ... That story was one of the I've read in a while, and it's struck a chord with more than a few writers. ... Deep, if you want it to be, and visual.
Additional short stories:
"Night School" from Demolition Magazine: http://web.archive.org/web/20080205024328/http://www.demolitionmag.com/gischlerschool.htm
"Velvet Clinch" from Handheldcrime.com: http://web.archive.org/web/20010911060028/www.handheldcrime.com/issues/2001-17/velvet-clinch/index.html
"Misty's World" from Shredofevidence.com: http://www.shredofevidence.com/?p=140
I've also had lot of other stories published in such journals as WESTVIEW, POINTED CIRCLE, CRIMESTALKER CASEBOOK, THE COZY DETECTIVE, HEIST, ALTERNATE HILARITIES and VAMPIRE DAN'S STORY EMPORIUM ... but good luck finding copies.
Another good one:
"Final Tally" from OUT OF THE GUTTER Magazine: http://outoftheguttermagazine.blogspot.com/
cool idea!! if anyone is planning a project that might involve music (i.e. trailer), i could offer an original score of sorts.
samples: www.myspace.com/RoyJeeBivMusic
contact: rjbenson@gmail.com
[apologies...not intended as a shameless plug!!]
looking forward to seeing the entries -- keep up the awesome work, Victor!!
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