Saturday, November 24, 2012

This is long overdue ...

I've been remiss in thanking a couple of lovely people.  I met Marco Piva-Dittrich and Solveig Dittrich-Piva for the first time at the SugarPulp Festival in Padova, Italy a couple of years ago.  (In addition to being lovely, Marco is a great translator and handled SHOTGUN OPERA for the Italian market.)

Anyway ...

I was wandering around my house and lost my coffee cup.  It's not a big house, but I do this quite often. I set my cup on a shelf or something.  Sometimes I find it in 2 minutes ... other times a week later.

I tweeted (on Twitter) that I'd lost my coffee cup.  Some days later the mailman brought the cup you see pictured above.  (Ignore the Pokemon.)  Yes, Marco and Solveig were responsible.

A very nice surprise.  You two are tops!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

You know you want in on this ...

Script: Victor Gischler
Art: Maurizio Rosenzweig
Color: Moreno DiNisio

Monday, November 12, 2012

Comic Nooks

While I think you should certainly all support your local comic book shop, just a heads up that Nook has some good stuff for your nook if you prefer the Digital Version.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Get into the shadows!

Very SOON my run on THE SHADOW for Dynamite Entertainment begins, and if you're a fan of pulp fun, I hope you'll give it a chance.  If you a comic book retailer, then stock up!  If you're a reader, tell you local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today!

(Pictured is the cover for #10, but my run actually starts with #7.)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

You say you want some of my Halloween candy?

                                                         YOU SHALL NOT PASS!