I have a 4 year old son. His name is Emery. We went to the doctor a few days ago, and we waited in the waiting room. A long time. About 200 hours. As you can imagine a 4 year old can get a bit restless. I told him a story.
The story was about a kingdom of purple bunnies who foil a three-headed dragon.
Emery has now insisted I continue the adventures of the purple bunnies. Daily. Recently the purple bunnies have helped a giant eagle retrieve her eggs from a hungry polar bear with a slight bit of help from Santa Claus. The Purple bunnies have been to outer space and back. The purple bunnies generally celebrate a good adventure by going to Pizza Hut.
It has been difficult to restrain myself. Often, I feel the purple bunnies could resolve certain problems with a machine gun or laser death ray. I feel this might not be appropriate.
I have thus far behaved myself.
But why-Emery will love the machine gun and laser death ray. I guarantee it. Emery's joy will cancel out whatever damage your wife will do to you.
When I was 4, "machine gun" and "laser death ray" were the top two items on my Christmas list. Come to think of it, they still are.
I have the same trouble with my 4-year-old. How much violence can I add to storytime without mommy knowing about it?
there is something fantastic and cinematic about bunnies. think "donnie darko". think about that lanky, machine-gun toting dream human/rabbit in "sexy beast".
hell, even jimmy stewart's invisible "harvey" is creepy.
and btw, vic? purple is the color of penance....
I've killed bunnies. With a shotgun. I have pulled off their heads and then skinned them for the skillet. They were purple on the inside.
Emery needn't know of these things.
Damnm you're right. Creepy bunnies all over the place.
I thought purple was the color of cheap wine?
Although some penance would probably do me good ...
What? Those bunnies in NE been eating eggplant, SD?
Now Bunnicula? That popular children's series of books are about a vampiric bunny, so VG, anything goes.
Don't think he's purple, though...
A purple bunny story which explains the reason why a rabbit's foot is so lucky would have excellent gore potential. Utilizing cinematography from the movie 300, that would make a great movie short too.
If the hungry bear ate a couple purple bunnies, would his poop turn purple? Kids love poop stories.
Wait... you mean we're not supposed to tell our kids stories where there are machine guns and laser death rays and lots of gore?
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